Healthy Lawns Begin with Quality Products
Phillips Agri Services is your destination for quality lawn care products to help achieve a healthy and green lawn. We are locally owned and have been in business for over 50 years. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will assist you with your lawn care needs and also load products into your vehicle. We are conveniently located in Charlottetown and are easily accessible. We look forward to seeing you!
Our Lawn Care Products
We supply quality lawn care products that include:

Island Green Lawn Fertilizer

Mosher Pelletized Lime 15 kg
Improves soil pH

Quality Seed Premium Turf Mix

McKenzie Seeds
Top-quality vegetable seeds
Other Fertilizers
Lawn & garden fertilizer
10-10-10 (25Kg)
15-15-15 (25Kg)
Garden fertilizer
6-12-12 (20Kg)
Other Products Available
Powdered lime (22.7Kg)
QS quick grass lawn seed (1.5Kg)
QS quick shade lawn seed (1.5Kg)
Diatomaceous earth
Japanese beetle traps
Yellow jacket traps
Big bag fly traps
Wasp & ant spray bombs
Lawn Care Tips:
Healthy, vigorous grass helps to suppress weed growth. It is recommended to apply lime and fertilizer in both spring and fall for the health of your lawn.
PEI soil, in most cases, requires lime. A soil PH around 7 is ideal for lawns and helps your fertilizer application to be more effective.
Lime and fertilizer can be applied one after the other but are applied at different rates or spreader settings. Applying before rainfall helps to get it activated and into your soil.