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Forage Seed

Phillips Agri Services is a reliable seed supplier for PEI. We are the exclusive representative in PEI for Quality Seeds Ltd. You can depend on us for high-quality forage, cover crop, and turf seed.

As farmers continue to find more efficient and less expensive options to feed their livestock, forages have become an ever-increasing part of their on-farm management.

With custom forage seed blends available through Quality Seeds Ltd. as well as a selection of high-quality individual seeds, Phillips Agri Services can provide you with forage blends for your specific needs. We can also formulate and mix custom blends at our location in Charlottetown.

Quality Seeds brand forages have excellent re-growth and yield potential. Many varieties and blends are disease tolerant and drought resistant. They produce more feed with more digestible fibre and sugars.

Quality Seed Ltd

Cover Crop Seed – Build Your Soil Health!

Cover crops are planted in the fall or after harvest to protect and enrich the soil.

Benefits include:

Higher yields
Reduced soil erosion
Increased organic matter
Increased biological activity
Increased water holding capacity

Contact our staff to discuss your particular needs or check out the Quality Seeds Ltd. website. Phillips Agri Services would like to help you with your forage decisions.

Forage Seeds

We supply seed for forage, turf, and cover crops. Get in touch with us for more details.


Monday - Friday
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Phillips Agri Services
18 Exhibition Dr.
Charlottetown, PE

C1A 5Z5

Phone: 902-892-1275


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